Your Guide to Pre and Post Workout Snacks

Your Guide to Pre and Post Workout Snacks

Let’s talk about snacks baby!
Now we’ve all hit mid afternoon and that sudden craving hits where you're not hungry enough to eat a whole meal but you also need a little pick me up - we made sure to include this in TRANSFORM and part of our nutrition plan includes 2 snacks per day.
Now we get lots of questions about whether or not you need a pre-workout snack - the thing is, it’s totally up to you!
Please note - if you haven’t eaten within the last 3 hours, are feeling low on energy or you know that your workout will be particularly intense - a pre-workout supplement may be needed.
We suggest having your pre-workout snack at least 30 minutes before you begin - we also suggest aiming for a snack providing around 15g of carbohydrates, that is also low in fibre to reduce digestive discomfort when exercising. 
Check out our list below of some awesome food-based pre-workout snack options:
  • ½ banana
  • 1 slice of bread with hummus
  • 3 x dried apricots OR 1 large medjool date
  • 100ml of 100% pomegranate juice
  • Small dairy, soy, or oat milk coffee or chair
  • Small bliss ball - 20g 
On your training day we always recommend one of your snacks be a post-workout high protein option. 
The aim is to have a good quality protein source within 3 hours of your workout to maximise muscle synthesis. By eating enough protein-rich foods across the day it stimulates muscle protein synthesis, improves recovery, and enhances performance during your next workout.
Below are some home-made snacks that can be found in our nutrition plan to make if your feeling a little creative:
  • Protein pancakes 
  • Mug cake
  • Mini banana smoothie 
  • Mini choc caramel smoothie
  • Chickpea blondies
  • Banana bread 
Alternatively you can try these delicious pre-packaged/ frozen snacks:
  • 1 x Tasti Wholefood Bar - Forest Fruit
  • 2 x Smooshed Wholefood Balls
  • 1 x Nice and Natural Whole Seed Bars
  • 1 x Cobs Popcorn Mini Bag
  • 1 x Carmans Seed and Plant Protein Bar
  • 1 x Happy Snack Company Roasted Chickpea Pack
  • 1 x Happy Snack Company Roasted Fava Bean Pack
  • 1 x Carmans Roasted Nut Bar - Almond, Hazelnut and Vanilla
  • 1 x Fancy Plants Chia Pod
  • 1 x Smooze Fruit Ice
  • 1 x Nourish Mini Ice Block
  • 1 x Mini Frozen Yoghurt 
Now while we highly suggest following the nutrition plan as closely as possible we do understand that sometimes your hunger drive isn’t high and that’s okay!
If you find yourself working out in the early morning before breakfast make your breaky your post-workout snack or if you typically workout before dinner make that meal your post-workout snack. 
TRANSFORM is all about finding what works right for you, try it out and see how you go!
Remember if you need any support, advice, or assistance please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at
By Courtney Moane.
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